This infographic is about why games are very important for education in general and for the creativity of children in particular. The reason behind this assumption is that children grow up in an environment where a complex sense of learning using technology is ingrained in their minds. Thus, it is very difficult for children to learn so much in school from the traditional textbooks. However, if this same educational material is given in the form of games, the learning capacity, as well as desire of children to learn, will increase to maximum. The familiarity of games with the children leads many people to argue that games are the friendliest sources for the child learning.
It is not a myth that games are very helpful in learning as most people consider it. “As parents are always worried about the future of their children and as games are always associated with fun activities, therefore, when we speak of games in a traditional sense, games and studies seem two opposite extremes, and this is probably the reason why most people keep their children away from games,” says Kyle Ward who works at Game Period. However, it is now proved scientifically that games do help children in educational pursuits, and one such example is the research conducted by Paul Howard Jones. Paul argues that the most important thing that games do is that they produce dopamine in the brains of the children. Dopamine is a chemical that is associated with creativity. The most important function of dopamine is to produce connections between neurons in the brain. You might have heard earlier that the memory of our brain works on the basis of association, therefore, dopamine makes this association stronger.
Experimental learning is also very important for children, and without experimental learning, creativity can never be boosted. Thus another advantage of games is that they promote experimental learning. Children also develop different skills when they play games, for instance, they develop problem-solving capabilities, collaboration, communication, and negotiation. Games also increase the motivation level of children, and when they are motivated, they learn to the maximum extent. It is a well-known fact that we do things properly that we love, and as children love games, they are always motivated in the gaming activities. So, many teachers argue that this motivation can be channelized in a more positive manner. Apart from games, there are also new apps being introduced which focus more on the educational aspects and less on the gameplay.

Co-produced by :Game Period & Wiki For U
It is not a myth that games are very helpful in learning as most people consider it. “As parents are always worried about the future of their children and as games are always associated with fun activities, therefore, when we speak of games in a traditional sense, games and studies seem two opposite extremes, and this is probably the reason why most people keep their children away from games,” says Kyle Ward who works at Game Period. However, it is now proved scientifically that games do help children in educational pursuits, and one such example is the research conducted by Paul Howard Jones. Paul argues that the most important thing that games do is that they produce dopamine in the brains of the children. Dopamine is a chemical that is associated with creativity. The most important function of dopamine is to produce connections between neurons in the brain. You might have heard earlier that the memory of our brain works on the basis of association, therefore, dopamine makes this association stronger.
Experimental learning is also very important for children, and without experimental learning, creativity can never be boosted. Thus another advantage of games is that they promote experimental learning. Children also develop different skills when they play games, for instance, they develop problem-solving capabilities, collaboration, communication, and negotiation. Games also increase the motivation level of children, and when they are motivated, they learn to the maximum extent. It is a well-known fact that we do things properly that we love, and as children love games, they are always motivated in the gaming activities. So, many teachers argue that this motivation can be channelized in a more positive manner. Apart from games, there are also new apps being introduced which focus more on the educational aspects and less on the gameplay.
Co-produced by :Game Period & Wiki For U